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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

My school offers 20 AP courses. Should the 9 that I have taken work?

I know that in order to be competitive for college admissions, you're supposed to have a rigorous course load. Out of the 20 ap courses my school offers, I have only taken 9 of them, including the APs that I am taking my senior year, along with over 15 honors courses and a few math college credits. Should this courseload be rigorous enough to sit me comfortably in the academic threshold of top schools around the country? (I have a 3.93 unweighted average out of 4.0 in terms of performance).

@15704923 years ago [edited]

BTW I'm taking 20 AP classes. Sincerely, Haliot

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5 answers

4 years ago

Yes, taking 9 plus the 15 honors classes and college maths is more than adequate to show course rigor.

Congratulations on your accomplishments. That is quite excellent.

Also, a 3.93 is an awesome UGPA for that level of work.

Like yourself, I'm going to have 9 APs plus honors classes and 3-4 STEM college classes.

My UGPA is 3.96. Sometimes you can't help getting a B in something very difficult.

Good luck with your college admissions process.

4 years ago

So as crsgo said if your school offers AP German AP French and AP Spanish you can’t take all 3 and even then you may not take one of them. So now that’s 9/17. Then if you are a STEM major and AP Music and AP Art is offered I’d be super skeptical if you actually taken those. 9/15 now and some of the history APs are not highly taken except if you’re going into humanities(I presume you are going into STEM) so that may be 9/13 which is a really porpotion.

Also your 15 honors classes are phenomenal I’d roughly say there’s .7 Honors per 1 AP in terms of rigor which means you roughly have 20 APs which is a really really good.

Having 20 APs and a near 4.0gpa at all non ivy+ schools (ivies Stanford rice WashU duke etc) you are highly likely to be top25%. At ivies however you likely have an average GPA but have a higher end rigor. So you have a great profile for selective schools but acedmics will not get you admitted into ivy+ schools your ECs and other stuff need to be top notch.

Hope this helps and please comment if you need clarification as I’d be happy to help clarify!

2 years ago

With your study results, you are more than able to find a good job that matches your abilities. aa route planner

3 years ago

I am going to be brutally honest with you. If you took 9 AP classes when 20 were offered, could you have taken more? If this is the case, than I'm sorry, but you probably won't get into a good university. Please don't ban me CollegeVine!



4 years ago

It depends on which of the APs you took. Colleges want a well-rounded student body, not a well-rounded student. There are two options to delineate this: 1) take as many of the classes you could have or 2) take AP classes that you feel the most passionate about. For example, if you're into STEM, even if you don't take as many Language or history APs, you should be set! From the number that you have suggested, I think you have taken a good amount. All that's left is writing amazing essays!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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