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7 months ago
Admissions Advice

How high could I get my GPA?

If I'm about to finish my freshman year and I have 4 Bs and a ~3.6 GPA but i want to go to a school like Yale College. I know I can't have a 4.0u anymore so how high could I get it? Do I still have a chance at T20 schools or should I start looking at my state school?

@jayay7 months ago

oh my gosh i have this same question!!! let me know when you figure it out.

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
7 months ago

I hate to tell you this, but a 3.6 UW GPA is unlikely to gain you admittance to an Ivy League school. I would advise you not to worry too much about it, because the Ivies don't accept practically anybody. 1.8% of US high school students will attend an Ivy League. That 1.8% will not be the only happy or successful people out there. Your life does not begin or end with a college acceptance - I can guarantee that. You will be fine no matter what college you go to!

If you really want to raise your GPA, the simplest way to do so is to study hard and get good grades. The study method that works best for me is the Pomodoro method, with longer intervals than typically suggested. I make a Quizlet for any and all class notes and memorization, and I handwrite practice problems and textbook notes so that I remember them better. I would recommend trying various study methods to nail down what works for you.

Also, take easy AP classes! The ones that I've taken and regarded as easy A's include:

-AP World History

-AP Biology

-AP Language (only if you're OK with lots of reading)

-AP Literature (only if you like poetry)

-AP Statistics

-AP Physics 1 (but not 2 or C goodness gracious)

The easy AP classes will vary depending on the school and who's teaching them. Talk to rising seniors! They'll know what's happening and they're willing (if begrudgingly) to give you advice.

You'll end up just fine no matter what happens. Best of luck in the coming years!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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