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7 months ago
Admissions Advice

Can I use someone else's name in my college essay?

I am writing a college essay about a wonderful elderly woman I met and I'm not sure if I can use her name in my college essay? I'm not too worried about using her first name, Betty, but her last name is important because it is a mixture of very different cultures and it plays into an important theme in my essay. Can I use her last name, or is it wrong? I know my college essay will not be disclosed outside of the admissions office, but I don't want to share too much of her information or hurt the admissions' perspective on me as a writer and applicant. This is for a Common Application essay, not for a specific school. Thank you!

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2 answers

7 months ago

Good question...I am honestly not sure about using someone's name. I think that it's fine as long as the women is okay with it (hopefully you have the ability to ask her).

However, I do have a warning; be REALLY careful about writing an essay about another person. As wonderful as this woman is, the college wants to see how wonderful/interesting YOU are. This essay is how they meet you. A huge essay mistake is sharing more about someone else than yourself. However, if it's an integral part of your personal story, make sure you circle back to sharing about yourself. I am 100% positive that if you write an essay mostly focused on someone else, that will be a bright red flag to the admissions officers. I have personally heard admissions officers share how frustrating it is to get essays about people who aren't even applying...common thing they say is: "Let your essay convince us to accept YOU--not your dad, grandmother, or friend."

That being said, briefly mentioning other people in your essay can add interest and dimention, showing that you are a personal person and you have the curiousity to benefit or learn from others.

Hope this helps, even tho I know it doesn't exactly answer your specific question. Please lmk if you have any questions!

2 months ago

I'm don't think it would necessarily be wrong, but as another comment mentioned, it is dangerous to make another person a key part of your element, and including the full name might make the essay seem more about the person. If the last name is important, then you can call her "Ms.Lastname", which makes her sound more like a fictional character in a sense, and helps keep the focus on you.

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