4 months ago
Admissions Advice

Summer Interns

I was wondering if anyone knew good summer intern / opportunities in 2025 for someone who might want to study International relations / law/ econ . Im currently a rising Jr. lmk if you know anything good colleges might like to see!


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2 answers

4 months ago

Okay hear me out, I'm not the most experienced person on this platform--I mean, I'm a rising Sophomore so I might be totally wrong.

But as for as finding internships, as far as the law ones go these are the only kind I have some experience with..though maybe you can apply this to any area of interest...?, the best bet is to find a local firm and call them and ask if they'd be open to having you as an intern. I've been going to this local firm in my neighborhood that's pretty well known since I was, like, nine because my parents had to create and write their wills...but basically, I've asked since I was nine if one day I could intern at this firm. Now, currently I can't because I'm too young to intern, however, I am going to be doing a job shadowing there this Wednesday! And then when I turn sixteen next year, I'll return as an intern. What I'm trying to say is this: find a local respected professional in whatever field you're interested in, read a little bit about them and what they or their firm do, send them an email saying you'd like to intern with them, and see what happens. For me, it's been pretty effective thus far.

Idk if this helps or not but hopefully it does a little, at least

4 months ago

You can look into doing something like the NSLI-Y which isn't necessarily an internship but it goes well for the international relations pathway. This is more political, but you could consider looking at the Senate Page Program or volunteering with Seaside Sustainability for law. Some publications like Pasquines allow students to write for them, and they focus on US Territories like Guam, US Virgin Islands, etc. Consider volunteering for Meaningful Teens which is have many options but also include conversing with students from other countries. Internship wise, just look at programs like the US State Department internships in DC, the government also offers the US Treasury internships and many other teen focused internships such as the Department of Education trainees.

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