4 months ago
Admissions Advice

Questions i should ask during a job shadowing??

I've got a job shadowing this wednesday with a local family lawyer...are there any questions you'd recommend me asking? i have a few questions already ....but I want to make sure i get as much knowledge i can and ask the right questions come Wednesday.


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3 answers

4 months ago

1. Ask about daily responsibilities

2. The process of handling a case from start to finish?

3. What strategies do you use to manage difficult or emotional clients?

4. How often do you go to court, and what are those experiences like?

5. What are the key skills required for courtroom appearances?

6. What advice would you give to someone interested in pursuing a career in family law?

7. What are the most important skills and attributes for a successful family lawyer?

8. How did you get started in family law?

9. How do you typically interact with clients?

10. How do you handle work-related stress and maintain a work-life balance?

4 months ago

I know nothing about being a lawyer, but here are some thoughts that would apply to any job shadowing situation.

What is something rewarding about being a family lawyer? What is the most challenging part about being a family lawyer? What advice would you give a young person interested in becoming a lawyer? What is a warning you would give someone headed in that direction? Where did you go to school and what degrees did you get? How has those specific degrees/school(s) helped you (like, why did you choose them)?

Hope this helps you!

4 months ago

i dont know

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