I've been U.S. for 1 year a half now.
These are class courses for my junior year
English 3
AP US History
Ap computer science principle(I dropped it last year and taking it again)
adv Pre-Calc
engineering class
AP physics 1
1. Are these good junior courses to get into UT Austin or Ivy league(harvard,stanford,mit,etc)?
2. I want to change English and Pre-calc classes to AP
but My counselor said that I cant change them. because, the deadline was march...(what should i do)
I don't think there is any way to change your classes now. The deadlines are normally pretty firm. This looks like a great list of classes but I can't say for sure that you would make it into an Ivy or not because there is a lot more involved than just your class choice, like GPA, SAT/ACT scores, the classes you choose/will choose other years, EC's, passion, essay, resume...
It’ll depend on your extracurriculars, essays, and other parts of your application. If you’re ranked high in your graduating class, have good test scores and a high GPA, you should be good.
To keep this community safe and supportive:
Your schedule looks very well rounded. However your GPA overall will also impact if your accepted or not. I recommend trying to achieve a GPA of around a 4.0 overall, or if not at least in each quarter and semester try to obtain the 4.0. Also, you doing soccer will make you a better candidate because ivy league schools look for students who have great time management!