3 months ago
Admissions Advice

common app essay

would yall do me a MASSIVE favor and tell me which common app essay topic u think is best? or tell me they all suck and i need to pick another one, that would be fine too.

1. my experience having an allergy and going into anaphylactic shock

2. working as a swim coach/close with kids (which i could relate to my studies cuz i wanna major in english to start a publishing company geared towards youth)

3. having trichotillomania (TTM)

4. writing a book (its unpublished but i do love it; also could relate to my major (obviously))

quite literally ANY advice would be eternally appreciated. thanksss bestiesss

@RandomStudent3 months ago

I would choose writing a book as your common app essay because it goes more into what you want to do with starting a publishing company for youths. If nothing else fails you can always use these other topics in supplementary essays the college(s) you are applying to want.

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Accepted Answer
3 months ago

I think that you could write an essay about both 2 and 4. If you articulate a strong link between the two of them (your value of helping youth) you could use them both to dive into different skills you have and areas you’ve grown in while showcasing two of your ECs

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