I keep seeing this here, so I thought I'd give it a shot.
I'm mostly aiming for military due to patriotism, but still keeping my options open for a civilian path in bioengineering/chemical engineering. In the army I'd probably be in the engineering corps anyway. EC's are probably not major-specific enough, but my HS course load has been consistently STEM heavy.
Rising senior, female
1) 3.99 GPA unweighted
2) 1540 SAT (800 ebrw, 740 math)
3) all 5's on AP World, Physics C (Mech + E&M), Calc BC, French, German, and USH. Will take 4-5 more.
ECs in no particular order:
4) XC running, nordic ski, and track triple varsity & triple captain. Ran on nationals 4x400 relay.
5) Founder and co-president of school film club; various projects to support the school arts community; grew club to 30+ members.
6) Quizbowl, best in literature and physics. NAQT nationals qualifying team & regular top 10 scorer in statewide tournaments.
7) Appointed an advocate for my school's student body through interview process to be on two committees that dictate health and budgetary policies.
8) Level 3/4 (should be 5/6 by the end of the summer) unicyclist; gave a speech about unicycling to >1000 people.
9) Job as lifeguard during the summer and sporadically in the year; ~20 h/week in summer.
10) Math and science tutor for women
11) Planning a town-wide charity event in the fall, entertainment co-chair
12) Drum major in high school marching band (I play the sax normally)
13) Working at a local university in sustainability and electrical engineering research; internship acquired through a selective program (~10% acceptance rate)
14) Winner of Harvard Book Award and Rensselaer Medal at my school
15) NHS
16) Seal of biliteracy with distinction in French
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