3 months ago
Admissions Advice

Should i drop this class with a withdraw; would it affect college admissions

currently, I am a junior heading into my senior year of high school. I have a 4.2 Weighted GPA 3.8 unweighted GPA and I am eight ranked in my class. I have a hard decision to make. I decided to take both government and micro economics through college in the summer as a summer class. My government class is doing good. Imma get an A but my Micro economics class I’m a get a C the problem is the class is stressful. It’s four weeks long and there’s so much work and coupled with my government class like I am getting super stressed out and the workload is insane. I realize now I should’ve not taken two college classes, but it’s too late for that, my only option is either just try super hard to get at least hopefully a B in the micro economics class While getting an A In my government class. The thing is, I don’t know if I could do it so much work I’m getting stressed out. should I withdraw from the micro preserve my GPA and have time to study for the SAT but the opportunity cost would be a withdraw my transcript and I have to take the class during the school year or should I continue with the class at the best case scenario if everything goes perfect i would get a B or get a c which is the most likely scenario. I would still get an A in my government class, but I also risk lowering my GPA and being insanely stressed; only being focused on my two college classes not sat or anything else.

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Accepted Answer
3 months ago

Hey @jayjaypt2,

I'm sorry to hear you're so stressed. It sounds like you have a tough decision to make either way, but think about the consequences for each option--if you drop out and have a withdrawal on your transcript, you'll preserve your mental health and be able to put more energy into government and get an A. You'll also theoretically have more time to study for the SAT, although you'd have to take the class later. The second option might cause a burnout or make you more susceptible to one, and you won't have as much time/energy to really streamline into both classes.

Depending upon if your senior year schedule would be tolerable or not with retaking microeconomics, I would probably drop out of the course now and retake it later. Sure there will be a "W" on your record, but what matters most of all is that you protect your mental health, and classes come second. Obviously, academics are still important, but you should prioritize your well-being.

I hope this helps, and just know it will get better! Hang in there, you've got this.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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