I am 15(F) and entering my sophomore year in an early college program. The cool thing about my program is that I graduate high school this year, and for the next two years of school (11th and 12th), I will be enrolled in college, not dual enrollment! I know many alums got into the top 10 schools after attending, which is my hope! I would like to see if I should treat the rest of my high school experience as I would if I didn't participate in this specialized program. I have questions such as if I should still take the SAT and ACT and if I should be trying to rack up as many extracurriculars and internships as possible. The school academics are incredibly rigorous on their own, but since it is a college course, there are no AP or IB classes, so I'm worried that it will reflect poorly on my application if I dont have any. My top schools are Stanford, Yale, Harvard, University of Virginia, and Johns Hopkins! I plan to major in politics with a minor in pre-law in my early college program and continue that degree into my bachelor's once I transfer, as my goal is to become a constitutional lawyer with the end goal of being a judge. I know these goals and aspirations will be difficult, but I love any advice !!
No not at all! AP classes are just college courses and I think that college courses will look very good to admission officers as they vary and are different than all the AP/IB courses that all the other applicants take. You should still take the SAT to show that you have a high understanding and capabilities in Math and Science and colleges like T20's will most likely want to see SAT and ACT scores to factor into your application. Good Luck to you!
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Thank you sm for the advice !! It’s definitely helpful!:)