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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

I took the sat once did well for me but am applying to a school whos mean sat is way above mine only took it once will n

labeled as test optional but strongly reccomend sat and subject tests dont have any subject test except for one ap exam

should i send my score if they are bad

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4 answers

4 years ago

If I understand your question correctly you stated you took the test 1 time but are applying to a school whose mean (avg.) SAT score is way above your score and you want to know if you should send in the score if your SAT score and 1 AP test is bad? That is your question correct?

The answer is definitely not.

If you already researched the school you are applying to and feel the mean SAT is way above your score and have only 1 AP score ( you didn't disclose your score on either I should add ), then you know that you are not in the middle 50% of accepted admit scores at that school.

Since you have 3 to 4 SAT test dates to re-take the SAT, I would suggest signing up for 1 or more test dates and trying to get a higher score. I wouldn't suggest signing up for subject tests however because getting a higher SAT score is of more importance to ensure you can successfully compete against other applicants at your top choice college.

I hope that makes sense to you and if you need any other guidance or feedback, write in the comment below.

Good luck with your college admission process and good luck if you re-take the SAT.

4 years ago

If your score is even lower than the 25th percentile, then maybe submitting your scores may have a greater impact than not submitting them at all. Colleges review your application holistically so SAT doesn't have a 100% contribution towards acceptance and especially due to COVID-19, they have become less important. Remember, dont let your SAT score stop you from dreaming! All the best.

4 years ago

First, is it possible for you to take it again? There are several test dates this fall, and while some test centers are closing, there's at least a reasonable chance that if you sign up, you will be able to take it a second time. I'd recommend that, especially if your school is technically test optional but still seems to really want to see your scores.

If it's impossible for you to sign up again, I would recommend submitting your scores if they are at the 25% of accepted students at your school, or above. If lower than the 25%, then don't submit them.

4 years ago

If your score is really below average (like a 1300-1400 if you’re shooting for Ivys) then I wouldn’t submit it. A bad SAT score will do you way more harm than just not submitting it. I would say no. BUT, it also depends - if your score is still within the mid 50% range (just google X school mid 50 sat) then you still have a shot. Since you’re not submitting any other tests, you should try your hardest to get your SAT score up so that you can still have a good exam to submit. Good luck

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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