4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Honors Common App Section?

I come from a very competitive state, so I don't qualify for National Merit Scholar...and my school limits how many APs we take, so I can't put any of the College Board awards. What are some other options I have as honors I can include on the common app honors section? I have NHS and a publication, but I'm not sure what else. Thanks!


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2 answers

4 years ago

So it’s not just academics it’s essentially any accolades you’ve received. I compete nationally in debate and one award/honor I might list is placed x at insert prestigious tournament. For you it might be Your NHS commended you for most volunteer hours or any other formal acknowledgement from a club. An award or honor is not a EC or leadership role. It can also be an attendance award from the school.

If your publication is an EC don’t list it unless there’s something under that umbrella that isn’t a main component of your EC. There was a person who made a Phamphlet for her student council about the BLM movement and it was distributed state wide. I said that was an honor/award as it’s a formal acknowledgement but not an EC due to lack of time commitment and it’s was as part of Student council.

Hope this helps and please comment if you need clarification as I’d be happy to help clarify!

4 years ago

If your publication received any awards you can write those down. I, personally, listed my awards from international math competitions. You can also use awards like the Duke of Edinburgh intl award. Anything that could be considered award or honor can go there.

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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