a month ago
Admissions Advice

which activities?

Hi, i live in Norway (I just moved here from England). i am going into Year 9 in both England and Norway because im born in November. My cousins been freaking me out and saying i need to start planning for college early so here i am. My activities are that i have done Grade 8 abrsm piano, play guitar for fun and that i am 4th in my region for my sport. in norway i am starting volleyball because in a school lesson i was kinda good so im hoping i can get far on that. I was on the english equivilant to varsity for 3 sports. i have voluntered before at a local library and am going to keep doing that, and probably get a part time job at an animal shelter or a local shop as well. I also already babysit for my dads friends and have made quite a lot of money. My grades are very good cuz i got into and went to one of the best schools in england so im doing really well in school (one of the top in my class). im gonna try join my schools newspaper team and when im old enough work at my summer camp but are there any more classes i need to take at a university or something to increase my chances? Im hoping to get recruited because i am quite good my sports ( i was having an off day at my regional competition). Im probs gonna join an ib school for year 10 anyways so ill graduate a year early anyways but help would be much appreciated.

sorry its so long im so so clueless

p.s. any tips just in general would be great like sat? act? whats a good score? tysm


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1 answer

a month ago

Hey there @La_Br!

Your profile sounds great extracurricular-wise so far, so I would just recommend adding a few more to round it out. Maybe look into joining some clubs at your school or running for class officer (or whatever equivalent there is in Norway). Although, if you're planning to change schools later on, maybe hold off on that until then. Continuing with your volunteering is great, as is getting a job! Now is also a good time to consider what you want to study in the future and extracurriculars that relate to that.

As for standardized tests, take them early so you can retake them if you don't get the scores you're hoping for. Both the SAT and ACT have free practice tests on their websites that you can use for practice, and certain schools offer pSATs or Pre-ACTS to underclass students to prepare them. If your school offers these, I would highly recommend that you take advantage. Narrow down your weak spots so you can focus on those. Are the SAT and ACT that you take in Europe the same ones people take in the United States? If so, aim for a score in the high twenties or early thirties (28-29+) on the ACT, which is scored out of 36. The top score for the SAT in 1600, so anything above 1400 is generally considered very good.

Otherwise, continue to work hard in your classes. Ask questions. Form study groups. Take honors classes if they're available to you. If you can, try to take a college class at a community or state college near you. If not, continuing with your plan to do IB is also a great idea. Try to build good relationships with your teachers so they can write you letters of recommendation and help you with summer program applications, class questions, etc. Don't forget to enjoy yourself! You only have a very limited time in high school, so make the most of it!

Good luck!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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