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7 months ago
Admissions Advice

Is taking 2 aps Junior year and 4 Senior year OK?

Is it acceptable to only take 2 APs before senior year? I’m planning on taking Lang and Enviro this year but I can’t fit another into my schedule with required courses, language credits and being on the school news. I feel like this might be a disadvantage to me because I will not have a very rigorous schedule until senior year, but I take all available honors classes and only one AP was offered last year, which I should’ve taken but neglected to. Senior year I’m taking Euro, Stats, Lit and Seminar. Is this okay? Taking any more APs this year would mean only taking 2 years of a language or not being on the school news, which would get rid of a valuable extracurricular. Do you think my decision will be to my disadvantage?

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
7 months ago

It's completely fine to take 2 APs in junior year and 4 in senior year. Colleges understand that students have different schedules and opportunities. Since you are taking all available honors classes and participating in extracurricular activities, your schedule is still quite rigorous.

Taking AP Lang and Enviro in junior year while balancing other required courses, language credits, and being on the school news is a smart choice. It shows that you are managing a well-rounded schedule.

In senior year, taking Euro, Stats, Lit, and Seminar will definitely demonstrate academic rigor. Colleges will see that you are challenging yourself academically. Additionally, your participation in the school news adds to your extracurricular profile, which is also valuable in college applications.

So, don’t worry about the number of APs before senior year. Focus on excelling in your current classes and extracurricular activities. Your decision seems well-thought-out and should not put you at a disadvantage.

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