a month ago
Admissions Advice

I need extracurricular advice please!


I'm an incoming junior, wondering how I can improve my application to get better chances to get into T20s, UCs, etc.

Intended major: Aerospace Engineering/Mechanical Engineering

with a 4.6 W/4.0 UW and taking 5 AP classes this year

I got a 1370 on the PSAT last year and aiming to get a 1500+ on the SAT in March.

ECs (w/brief descriptions):

- Co-founder of Asian Student Union: Hosted a district-wide AAPI event and brought local guest speakers

- FIRST Robotics (Competed at Worlds)

- Working on making a model rocket from scratch & PLANNING to post videos on YT about the progress

- Volunteer photographer for my city and volunteer at a local shelter

- STUCO (representative)

- Work at my family's local restaurant over the summer for 20 hrs/week

- XC/Track (JV) I'm not the best at it but I enjoy running

I want to show colleges my interest in engineering and photography through a spike. As for internships, I am planning to apply for the 2025 summer. I'm not sure if the model rocket project counts as a passion project, but I want to do a passion project that aligns with working with CAD (3d modeling) and space-related. I have an idea of 3d printing prosthetics, but I have no idea about the logistics and where to start. Another thought is incorporating photography + engineering but I'm struggling to connect the two for a passion project. Any other ideas will be very helpful! Thanks!


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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