a month ago
Admissions Advice

Did college vine's chancing algorithm change?

Hey everyone,

I was just looking at my list today and noticed that all of the admission chances were significantly boosted for some reason. I reset my simulated responses and everything, but the chances remained unreasonably and stupidly high (There are literally no more colleges in my reach section anymore lol).

Did this happen to anyone else or is it just me?

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a month ago

It did! Collegevine starting taking into account the 2nd digit of your GPA and overhauled their algorithm. For example, in the past, there was no difference in chancing from 3.80 to 3.85, even though there is a big differencee in reality. If you stimulate the closest GPA to the 1st decimenal (3.83 ==>3.8), your chances will look a bit more like they used to. Additionally, they started putting more weight on ECs. And, of course, they entirely removed race from the equation, but that was a while back lol. Hope this helps!

🎤a month ago

Ah okay, I see. It is probably the ECs that impacted my chancing. I saw around a 10-20% jump for most colleges, and I doubt that would be due to a slight change in GPA chancing. Anyways, thanks!!

a month ago

I guarantee you it is the GPA change. In my example, if I go into the simulation, even though it shows 3.8 (with no changes) my actual GPA is 3.85. However, if I swipe it to 3.9 and back to 3.8, it shows "-0.0" when in reality its something like -0.05. Using this my schools fell between 5-9%

🎤a month ago

My GPA was at 4.0 before and after the change lol

a month ago

not sure then, probably the ECs lol

a month ago

agree - 4.0 gpa and wondering why chances changed so much. frankly, it seems to be overly optimistic which is not helpful.

a month ago

I really don't like it either. However, it may just be updated from the last admissions cycle. That is, they update their Algo every year based on the acceptances/rejects that students on collegevine put in. Thus it may just be a very interesting spread but the number probably aren't overly optimistic.

a month ago

ANOTHER NOTE: Many schools also went down in chance (UW, UIUC, Cal Poly SLO, etc.), it just depends on the new data the school puts out.


a month ago

Same thing happened to me. I've apparently got no reaches either lol


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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