4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Debate Club or Model UN?

I'm in 11th grade, I did Model UN for 6 years, from 3rd grade to 8th grade. But I don't know which one to choose. Because Debate Club has more benefits like traveling to Ivy Leagues but it's way more expensive but I don't know if it's worth it because no one will be traveling this year and maybe neither the next year. And for me debate is complicated because I sometimes don't like to prove my point because I always think I'm right and also I Stutter sometimes when I talk and when I used to do a lot of Model UN I stutter but I loved it but I don't know because I need a lot of credit for college and I think debate gives me more but since we're in quarantine it the same.

I need opinion if in my case is best MODEL UN OR DEBATE? AND ALSO FOR COLLEGES?


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3 answers

4 years ago[edited]

I would only use an extracurricular on a college application that I did during the 9th-12th grades, not elementary or middle school. The exception to this is if you started something in 3rd grade and have done it consistently until the present 11th grade. So you did do Model US in 9th, 10th, and 11th grade as a continuation of 3rd through 8th grade, that would be a current extracurricular.

Since you do not explain the period of time you did Debate Club, it hard to weigh in on picking one. If you participated in Debate Club as a 9th or 10th grader or will do this as an 11th grader, then I would select Debate Club over Model UN.

The only time I've seen colleges ask about ECs during elementary or middle school is they want the full history of your current ECs.

Good luck.

4 years ago

Do what you think is fun!! Both are impressive for colleges, but what they really want to see is that you truly love what you do.

4 years ago

At least with my debate team, most of the Ivy League and Circuit competitions will be much cheaper due to the COVID making everything virtual. Plus, most colleges don't care about activities completed outside of 9th-12th grade (I ran into problems with this when I was doing my Eagle Scout project). If you liked Model UN, I'd stick with it, but don't be afraid to try debate this year! The virtual environment is super fun and will provide a low-cost environment for you to experiment with the activity.

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