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7 months ago
Admissions Advice

help! Last minute honors & awards for a senior

Hi! So im a rising senior aiming for T10s and Ivys but my awards section is kinda sparse:

Here's what I have so far:

National Merit Commended Scholar (I have a 216 index score and my state is pretty competitive but all the sites I'm going on say I'll be commended, i was 20 points away from semi :( )

National AP Scholar with Distinction (...)

National American Voices Medal from Scholastic Arts and Writing

Selected by national jurors as the sole Writing recipient of the American Voices Medal in the region. I believe I was 1/43 in the nation that got this honor.

NCWIT Regional Affiliate High School Award

Princeton Poetry Prize Honoree (1/15 honorable mentions)

Academic Excellence in Coding in Python

National Spanish Exam Silver

National African American Recognition

National Hollins University Creative Writing Book Award

minimum $24,000 merit award to be applied to the student’s tuition at Hollins

HOBY Youth Leadership

My awards are kinda bad so as a last minute attempt I'm submitting poems (Im done with 2/5 of them...) to the National YoungArts competition and aiming for a Finalist in Poetry). I also submitted 3 poems to the Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award. Since one of my spikes is CS I'm finally studying for the USACO and looking for a USACO Gold Medal and Platinum qualifier.

I know USACO is prestigious but what about YoungArts Finalist and Foyle Young Poets? Technically Foyle Young Poets could be considered an international award since the competition is form the UK and open to all students. But is it prestigious?

Will these awards put me in the position I need to be in for T10s and Ivys?


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1 answer

7 months ago

"but my awards section is kinda sparse" ???

Your awards are anything BUT sparse, the vast majority of people don't even have a quarter of these

Trust me, you have a great application!! Just worry about your Common Essay and Standardized Test scores, you WILL be going somewhere very good

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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