a month ago
Admissions Advice

What should I do for sophomore year

Hi everyone! I'm a rising sophomore who is aiming for UCLA, and I would like some advice on what to do this upcoming school year.

Here are my stats as of now:

1. 4.0 UW gpa, 4.15 weighted gpa

2. AP Chinese, 5 on the AP Chinese exam

3. Won first prize in an international piano competition (it's not very prestigious though)

4. Passed ABRSM piano grade 8 (highest)

5. Passed HSK 6 (a chinese proficiency test accepted worldwide)

My plans for 10th grade:

1. All As hopefully

2. AP precalc (my school doesn't offer a lot of APs until junior year)

3. Self study AP Chem and Calc AB, get 5s

4. AMC 10 qualify for AIME

5. Volunteer at Boys and Girls Club near my area

6. Start UNICEF club even though I have no idea how I'm going to run it

I feel like I'm focusing too much on academics? Am I missing some crucial ECs? How can I improve my chances of getting into UCLA?

Thank you!


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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