a month ago
Admissions Advice

With Dip in Clinical Medicine & Community health GPA 2.8, BA in Pastoral Min with Suma cum laude can l do MS in Nursing

l am a Female Ugandan, 55 years old, instead of a high school, l did a Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Community health, in Medicare Health Professionals College in 2012. The GPA was 2.8. In May 2022 l obtained a bachelor's degree in Pastoral Ministry, from Teleo University with Suma cum laude. On October 25, 2024, l will graduate with a master's degree in ministry. so, my request is, can l receive admission and scholarships for studying a Master of Science in Nursing in the University of Pennsylvania? The reason why l chose this, is the burning desire to see my dream coming to pass. Thank you.

🎉 First post
Let’s welcome @Nairo to the community! Remember to be kind, helpful, and supportive in your responses.
@stripedburrfisha month ago

Yes of course you can do it!

[🎤 AUTHOR]@Nairoa month ago

Thank you very much for your acceptance. What is the procedure for the admission into the University of Penn Nursing School in conjunction with the involvement of the scholarships. How much dollars will it take me to finish the entire MSN training on direct entry?

[🎤 AUTHOR]@Nairoa month ago

Could you please give me more information about acquisition of scholarships and connecting those scholarships to the University of Penn School of Nursing.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@Nairoa month ago

What are those reliable scholarships and how do I connect the acquired scholarships to Penn School of Nursing?

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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