a month ago
Admissions Advice

Can I get accepted without SAT or ACT as an international disabled student?

I am Greek from a low-income family living in Athens (Greece) and this year I'm pursuing my final year in Greek high school from which I'm gonna get the Greek high school diploma (Apolytirion). I have by now a 19.6/20 GPA (because in greek secondary school, the 20-scale is used) and my class rank is 4/120. Unfortunately, my school doesn't offer any AP/IB exam and is not recognized by College Board to apply to take the SAT.

Concerning my skills and my extracurricular activities, I speak 4 languages [Greek, Albanian (due to my origin), English, and French]. Moreover, I have played the piano for about 10 years and I'm currently creating a collection of some of my arrangements of known pieces which I'm considering to upload in my YouTube channel. What's more, I practice swimming recreationally.

Apart from the above, I want to mention that I'm a disabled person (I have a rare condition which is called "arthrogryposis" that affects the neurons and muscles of my arms-hands), but I don't need special treatment anymore (besides physical therapy sessions), as I have found manners to be independent. That was the problem that forced my parents to move to Greece.

Finally, I want to become a doctor; thus, I would like to pursue a pre-med track program. Medicine has been my passion since I was a baby because I have spent lots of my childhood in hospitals and clinics doing examinations. Also, going through this has made me want to help other people like me to tackle their problems, both physically and mentally.

What do you think? Is there any chance of getting accepted to a good university with a full-ride or some scholarship/financial aid

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
29 days ago

Hello Toni!! So first thing I would like to tell you that even if your school does not offer the SAT you can still take it somewhere else. But yes you can get accepted if the schools don't require test scores. Some schools that require tests scores can give you an exemption under certain circumstances but that depends on the college. And yes you can get a scholarship or financial aid but also depends on the college and what are their policies. You can also look for independent scholarships to aid with the package your college gives.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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