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7 months ago
Admissions Advice

How can I help my debate team?

Hi! I just started my senior year of high school and I am very excited for debate this year. For the last couple of years, my school's debate team has been pretty small, but somewhat competitive. This year the situation is dire; most of our team last year dropped. I'm worried if nothing changes, our team may die out. How can I get more people to join the club as well as the class? For context, I think one of the issues is school culture. Students seem to have little to no interest in academics. When my teammates and I try to recruit, we get shut down quickly. At club rush, very few people come up to our booth. How can we market debate better at our school?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
7 months ago

Hi there, I think that you could organize fun and entertaining activities to gain their attention after which you could show the impact of debate and how beneficial the club could be. I think that most people would respond positively if they saw the club as engaging, fun and entertaining as well as educative and informative. You could even debate about topics that appeals more the student community like movies, books, games and fashion.

And of course, more snacks! I hope I've been helpful enough.

7 months ago


I personally feel that debate clubs are so cool and fun to participate in. I have participated in many debates myself and I can assure you some of my tricks work.

To get many people involved you must choose topics and discussions that are relevant to the newer interests of the generation. Like you could debate about exposure in social media, AI, Robotics etc that could spark peoples imagination .You could also design a fun logo for your club. Meeting regularly and collaboration with other clubs might work too.

I hope I have been helpful with my answer.

I wish you all the best!!

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