a month ago
Admissions Advice

Should I take AP human Geo or AP psychology

I'm going into my senior year and I want to get into a Top 20 college. I want to become a divorce attorney, and these are the AP classes I've taken so far: AP World, AP Seminar, AP US History, AP Lang, and I had to withdraw from AP Econ (long story). Next year, I plan on taking AP Bio, AP Calc AB, AP Lit, AP Gov, DE Physics, and AP Econ. I was planning on taking AP Human Geo, but would it look better if I took AP Psychology instead?

These are my extracurricular activities:

Intern for a local political committee

Intern for my state senator’s congressional campaign

Founder of a nonprofit focused on helping women and girls with mental health issues, particularly single mothers who are low-income

Author of a book about my experiences with mental health and how to overcome these challenges

Events coordinator for a nonprofit that sends books to underprivileged girls around the world

Junior running coach

Writer for my high school’s yearbook for a year

Which one would look better for my application? I was planning on majoring in history, English, government, or political science, but would a psychology major look better?

Since I had to withdraw from AP Econ the first time, it wasn't my fault—my teacher tanked my grades. Those majors require coursework in economics, and I'm just not sure what to do or which would look better.

@etlahuelgarciaa month ago

I think if you’re going for a divorce attorney AP psychology would look better on your transcript. If I were you I would go for a psychology major because it looks better but a government major would look just as good.

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1 answer

29 days ago

A divorce attorney will benefit from psychology classes. And AP Hum Geo is considered much easier than AP Psych so if you want to look more competitive AP Psych will look good.

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SAT: 720 math
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