a month ago
Admissions Advice

Extracurriculars/passion project for future pre-med students?

I’m a rising 10th grader attending a magnet science/technology program at a large-ish public school (4,000 students). My freshman year I was completely out of it and didn’t do any extracurriculars whatsoever. I still want to go to a T50 or even T20 school. I want to major in Biology and my game plan for this year is to join HOSA and Biology club to try and be president of both of those clubs and maybe try to work to open a science olympiad chapter. I’m also planning on signing up for internships before the end of this year. I want to study biology in college so I can go to med school. All the ideas I have for extracurriculars feel mediocre and I just want at least one or two thing that I can do to really stand out to colleges. I have a 3.92 gpa so I don’t think that’ll be an issue. Are there any other extracurriculars I could participate in? Any passion project ideas with community impact? Any help will be greatly appreciated!

@mina12a month ago [edited]

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Accepted Answer
a month ago

I can definitely relate to your situation as I recently decided I want to try to get into pre-med, but don't have any extracurriculars pertaining to that field specifically. However, I have seen from many peers and past alumni of my high school that research projects are really helpful to a pre-med college application. You can try looking up professors at colleges near you for research opportunities at their labs or just pick a specific topic and start researching. You can submit that to various journals for the opportunity to add "published research author" to your application! In addition, it's not too late for you as a rising sophomore to shadow a doctor. On a side note, your plan for internships and clubs sounds amazing! I hope this helps!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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