a month ago
Admissions Advice

Foreign language requirement

I only took a semester of French freshman year. The high school I went to did not require anything more. I was not aware colleges require at least two years. I am now panicking and wondering if my shot at most colleges will not be successful because of this.

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3 answers

a month ago

Some colleges I think offer waivers when it is required, " The only exception to the foreign language admission requirement is if you have a waiver. Waivers are usually reserved for exceptional cases, such as when a high school does not offer a foreign language." - bestcolleges.com. However other colleges recommend a foreign language so your application will not be rejected without it but you will need to rely more heavily on other aspects of your application.

a month ago

I was in the same situation. What I ended up doing was taking two years' worth of language classes online. If this is an option for you, try that. You also may want to keep in mind that some colleges require the same language. So if you can, take French online. Another option is passing a standardized test for language. For the UCs in particular, the language requirement is fulfilled by passing an AP test or language SAT. Hope this helps!

26 days ago

While I agree with the other two answers, I also think that to whichever colleges you plan on applying, you contact one of the admissions officers and let them know they issue. They will be able to give you next steps and what that particular college looks for in an applicant. Also, remember that it is not your fault your high school doesn't have many language courses. Whenever you do apply, make sure you provide information about this situation.

Also, there are many online courses out there, and even online dual enrollment courses for certain colleges. Make sure you know what your options are.

Hope that helps!

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