24 days ago
Admissions Advice

Should I quit orchestra to take AP Chem?

I'm going to be a sophomore in high school, and my schedule just came up; it turns out that orchestra conflicts with my AP Chem class. So, this year, I have to take on or the other. I am the Concertmaster of the orchestra, so it wouldn't be good for me to quit, but I need to take AP Chem as it is a full year class to be able to take other classes such as AP Bio. Should I quit orchestra for this year to take AP Chem, or stay in orchestra but not take AP Chem this year?

To give some more info, I am hoping to attend an Ivy. At my school, orchestra class is not an honors class (there is no honors or other orchestra class at my school). If I stay in orchestra this year, I then have to take AP Chem next year. But, there is no guarantee that AP Chem and orchestra won't conflict again next year (actually there is a good chance they might conflict), and I need to take AP Chem as a prerequisite as I stated before to be able to take other classes.

I have been playing violin for many years; but I also play other instruments which I am better at. I do have extracurriculars such as research, publications, summer programs, math comps, sports, volunteering, clubs, leadership positions etc.

Wouldn't it look bad to colleges for me to be quitting orchestra for a year, but it would also bad for me not to take some important AP classes since AP Chem is a prereq for some classes? What should I take?

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@j_sarai24 days ago

I think it really comes down to what you plan on majoring in once you get to college.

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2 answers

24 days ago

Hello! It sounds like orchestra is something that you really enjoy. While yes AP's are important for college, high school is also about finding your people and enjoying what you do in school. Now, to your question, they often look to see what leadership opportunities you have (coming from a senior) showing that you pushed and continued to be a leader in orchestra will be amazing for college applications. On top of that it shows that you can commit and grow with something. At the end of the day, yes its nice to have aps and extracurriculars, but don't throw away the chance to enjoy something in your high school years just for a slightly higher possibility for college. I flitted around from band and art to acting and finally found my people in tech. It's also the only schooling you arent paying 50,000 dollars for lol.

24 days ago

hi there! I feel where you're coming from, while having rigorous APS on your transcript looks good for colleges, they'll also look for how consistent you are with extracurriculars. Since you obviously have displayed a range of leadership as concertmaster, there should be no reason why you should have to drop it for AP chem. personally, I would stay in orchestra. I'm in choir myself, and I could have the opportunity to switch out and take another elective that correlates with my desired major, I have been doing choir all of middle and high school and I know colleges would love to see that. remember, colleges aren't just all looking for good grades and classes, they love to see extracurriculars and good characteristics/leadership components! I hope this helped :)

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