20 days ago
Admissions Advice

should I submit my SAT scores to schools if I got a bad score?

Last year I got an 1120 on my SAT, which isn't bad but it isn't great either. I'm applying to a handful of colleges where my SAT is below average of those accepted (around or above a 1300). I'm going to retake my SAT in October, but in case my score isn't much higher, I wasn't sure if I should submit it.

Most if not all schools I'm applying to are test-optional, and I believe my GPA and extracuriculars are pretty good.


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2 answers

17 days ago

hi! if you’re taking the sat twice, you might be able to get an sat super score (you’re best reading and math sections from each test score you got) this can add a couple extra points overall if you didn’t significantly improve your second attempt, so don’t worry!! If might be enough to get you a 1200+, or if you do amazing on your second attempt (which you will!) you don’t have to worry about it! Good luck on your applications!

20 days ago

Hi Addi! This is a question I had as well until recently, and yesterday I was able to ask an admissions counselor what to do. He said that unless your score is “low, like in the 900s, a score can’t subtract from your profile, it only adds.”

If you’re still not feeling sure about whether to add it to your application or not, you can look at the percentile you placed in. It will show you how you did in relation to everyone else, which might help you make a decision based on logic rather than intuition.

You can also take the SAT again, it’s likely that your score will go up or your composite (combined) score will be higher than the first time you took it. Some helpful resources I used for SAT practice are Khan Academy (free), the Princeton Review SAT book ($23), and Aaron’s SAT book ($30). These resources helped me increase my score by 290 with less than a month of preparation, but I recommend getting more than a month.

Good luck with your application!!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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