21 days ago
Admissions Advice

I don't have anyone to ask for recommendation letter

So basically I am from India , teachers here are not very cooperative when it comes to recommendation letters or any other help . But LOR is very important part of admission what do I do ?


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
21 days ago

Here's my answer on this. Apply to schools that do not require teacher recommendation/evaluations unless you're determined.

CommonApp has 4 kinds of recommenders: commonapp.org/static/d4e9393e0a9a2f17000d77c4c22e1e4d/FYRecProcessCAReady2022.10.26.pdf

Make sure to not apply to universities that do not require teacher recommendations.

However, if you're determined, do actually try to ask and put that it is difficult but you tried and succeeded in obtaining teacher recommendations in the "anything else you want us to know" part.

You never know, I thought the same at first, especially considering most people here in Japan can't speak or write English and are scared at the thought of embarrassing themselves. However I managed to succeed. Moral of the story? Don't be afraid to ask and be persistent with some saying how much you need it (just try not to be too exertive because that can definitely backfire when they write it for you). Having good relationships with your teachers and professors throughout high school are expected for requesting a good recommendation.

Oh yeah, and check university websites on how to apply just in case. In some universities I'm currently applying to said that a recommender couldn't be "no one within the 2nd degree of consanguinity" but could be family (not in the US, but still one worthy to note). Be sure to check for key words like "consanguinity" and "kinship" because you don't want to make a mistake on that.

Applying to universities across the world helped me realize a few things.

1) Applying via AO (Admissions Office) is the most common globally, but it is expected that you do good in all areas and not just academics, having amazing character, and win many high-ranked awards. Some have a paper-screening round and then an entrance exam or an interview (or both). In the US, UK, and many parts of Europe, it seems that they just do paper-screening and determine for the most part with many having optional interviews.

2) Non-AO university applications are really difficult unless you're good at test-taking or very good at sports. These require either a really good performance on sports and they recruit you for it, or have a high test score on their own university entrance exam.

3) The reason many, but not all, universities require a recommendation or evaluation is because they want to know what your character is like and how others see you. Teachers are usually seen as required in recommendation letters because it is the primary source for your academic pursuits. In US universities, ECs, Personal Statement, Recommendations and University Questions are like 80% of your application for top US universities (mostly ECs). This is where they determine your character (and your connections with others which means that if you're famous or connected with someone famous or high prestige, it could be very positive) and whether that is good for the university. (I could talk on this more, but it would make this message too long).

Hope this helps,

SilverDragon (11th-rising 12th, applying for universities globally, Class of 2025, from Japan)

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