19 days ago
Admissions Advice

How to get into an Ivy League?

Hello! My dream is to go to any ivy league school. I’ve used admissions calculators, and UPenn comes at about 55%chance for me. But Harvard only3%. What can I do to increase chances to speak to colleges like Harvard or Yale?? Btw I would be a Political Science major, Pre Law.

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@DIAMOND16 days ago

What did you put in the admissions calculator to get a 55% for UPenn; that is a school I'm considering. I will definitely get back to you on Harvard and Yale.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@Rae1315 days ago [edited]

I put my extra circular activities and GPA. My GPA is 3.9. My activities are Varsity Softball. Varsity competition cheer with state title. And STUCO with a title. Hope this helps!

@DIAMOND15 days ago [edited]

It definitely did thank you. I played around with the calculator and since law or political science are your intended major highly selective colleges love to see deep focus in that. That is to say that getting a law internship, doing debate club, student government , model Un, or any other law related extracurriculars will definitely help your chances alot especially with a high GPA. When grade are you in? Hope this is helpful and good luck!

@DIAMOND15 days ago

You could also write a blog on legal issues.

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Accepted Answer
18 days ago

To get into an ivy league school you need to look at your grade point average and your look at your classes that you are taking. Also you need to have good test scores on your ap exams and SAT. And any other test you want to take. hope this helps. if u have any other questions feel free to ask.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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