21 days ago
Admissions Advice

Hi, I'm going to be a junior, looking to go on a pre med path, what are some ec I can add to show that spike?

I have a GPA of 97.58 unweighted

weighted is around 103.4

I took all honors, and I'm doubling in ap sciences this year

I've took 2 Aps sophomore year(5 & 4), taking 5 Aps Junior year: mostly STEM aps

EC's I've done/ will definitely do: there's no order

1. working at a tutoring place for 3 years

2. volunteering at a medical office on Saturdays for at least 1 year

3. I'm in my school's research program for 2 years:

- won 3 awards, including a New York State award

- I did research at a university this summer

4. Marching band for 2 years (only)

5. I'm a TA at a Chinese school for 1 year (will be doing for 2 years) I can possible be a teacher my senior year

6. I've volunteered with Audubon my freshman summer (planning to do more colab)

7. I have two leaderships in my school, one is for my music club, one is for debate

- I'm planning to get another position in a medical club that I'm in

8. I'm a part of a volunteering group: >100 hrs of volunteering

- I wrote a few reports for the activities that our group is doing

- planning to get a leadership this year

Plan on doing:

- publishing short stories to show I'm more rounded?

- sports throughout the school year??(would it be too late since I'm going to be a junior?? I put marching band as my sports thing

- Taking cornells' online course

- self learn python on courser

- organize a fundraiser with my friends

- volunteering at a hospital ?? any recommendations :D I live in Long Island

Please give me any suggestions: my dream school is something like Columbia, Cornell, NYU (no order)

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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