13 days ago
Admissions Advice

How do I raise my GPA in my last year of high school as an early grad? Is it possible to raise it durastically?

I am beginning my last year on high school as an early graduate (one year early) and I am very motivated to raise my GPA. at the moment I have a 3.34 weighted and 2.74 unweighted, mainly due to mental health issues from my previous high school years. Is it possible to raise my GPA drastically (obviously not to a 4.0 but somewhere closer to that would be nice) before I graduate? I am currently taking 3 APs and 1 honors class. I also understand that part of that would be taking into account my 2nd semester grades, and I also don't know if that will factor in if my college applications go in before that semester ends.

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1 answer

13 days ago

At this point, one of the only things you could do is see if your school would give you credit for taking second-semester classes at a community college. It would be a huge workload, but it could drastically raise your grade. If you got a perfect GPA this year with just your normal classes, your ending weighted would be around 3.65. Another option (It sucks, but it's really the only other one I can think of) is to take another year of HS, which I wouldn't recommend. Talk to your counselor and ask if they give credit for community college classes because those are often weighted if they give credit. If they do, look into taking some easy college classes 2nd semester to boost your GPA.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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