13 days ago
Admissions Advice

How to Further my Extracurriculars for Physics?

I am a high school junior and have been taking college classes since freshman year, I am aiming toward academia and physics.

I will have around 68 college credits by the time I graduate (give or take 6)

My classes will include:

Math: MYP Geometry, Precalc, AP Calc AB, Calc II, Calc III, and Diff Eq.

Science: MYP Bio, AP Chem (3 on the AP test), College Chemistry 2, College Env. Science, Calc-Based Physics 1, Calc-Based Physics II, and College Intro to Programming.

English: MYP English 1, MYP English 2, College Writing and Rhetoric I, and College Writing and Rhetoric II.

History and Social Sciences: MYP World Geography, College Euro Hist, College Interpersonal Communication, College Civics, and College US Hist.

Fine Arts: 4 Years of Marching Band and Wind Ensemble (3rd chair out of 23 trumpets), College Intro to Theatre.

Other Classes: 4 Years of AVID, 3 Semesters of PE, 1 Semester of Health, 1 Year TA for Physics, and 1 Year in my school's Math Tutoring Center.

My projected GPA is 4.1 weighted and 3.8 unweighted (I didn't try freshman year and had family issues sophomore year)

My Extracurriculars are pretty behind right now compared to other people I see:

Boy Scouts (No notable achievements)

Marching Band (Trumpet Soloist)

Wind Ensemble (3rd Chair)

Physics Research (Leading research and writing a paper on UFT with my local college)

I want to take the F=ma and USAPhO this year, but I don't know what else I should do. Any advice is welcome. Thanks!

@Rowan_Crawford13 days ago

You could be a peer tutor for physics or math. I recommend post flyers around your town in local coffee shops to connect with people during free time. You could also try to start a physics tutoring club at your school (we have one at mine called Physics in Motion)

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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