Hi, I'm a freshman, and as stated I'm just a regular in the whole grade, I have nothing to compete with I want to get into honors, and I know I'm smarter than I'm meant to be. I'm on the tennis team (Leaning from JV2 to JV1) and am thinking about joining the Youth and Gov club and the Environmental or Psychology Club. I want to go to Yale and become a physiatrist, but I fear that it may be too late for me, I wanna get into honors or start taking AP as soon as possible, please give me any advice on what I should do or add I'll gladly take it.
Talk to your counselor about what APs and honors you should take in the future. Colleges (even Ivy-Level) don't expect you to have a 5.0 your freshman year. Keep looking into clubs and figuring out where you want to go. Explore other options and extracurriculars and keep a solid GPA this year.
Because you aren't taking extreme classes this year, use it to develop a foundation of good study habits and continue exploring your options. It will set you up for success and will look a lot better to colleges if you have a 4.0 freshman year that continues to grow, instead of like a 4.3 that stays the same throughout high school.
I would suggest that you email Yale's admissions office to ask them about how to sculpt your courses in the coming years, but they have no admissions email.
Don't worry about APs this year, focus on having the best freshman year possible then dive into the harder classes next year.
Another option is that you can talk to your counselor about taking DE classes with a local community college next semester. I am not sure if they enroll hs freshmen, but their classes are by semester or quarter semester and could possibly be added.
I agree with everything @NotNotAndrew said...especially the good study habits!! Time management is everything.
Take the hardest classes possible, talk to your counselor and switch your schedule if it's not too late. Join everything you're thinking of joining, especially psych club. Get volunteer hours, and try to find internship opportunities in psychiatry, find leadership roles in clubs, stick with tennis and try to become captain senior year. Hope this helps!
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Its already too late sadly, Also a little update I'm president of defying disorders club aswell, I'm getting volunteer hours in aswell, is there anything more I can do?