10 days ago
Admissions Advice

Which class should I take?

I'm a current junior and want to major in either biophysics or gen physics. I'm not fully sure how to go about explaining this so bear with me.

My school offers to pay for up to 18 credits of college classes, if you're still in highschool after you finish your required credits for graduation. I'm set up to finish a semester early (excluding continuing US History 202 and AP calc, but those aren't required for me). I have to take the highschool class of whatever college class I want to take I think?

I have one period where I put Criminalistics and Statistics in as fillers. Should I switch these to AP Psychology?

Also, what do general education classes typically look like? I know it can vary, but kinda just what classes should I try to take next year during that 2nd semester?

Sorry if this was confusing :') have a nice day/night!!


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
10 days ago

Take some of the following, if not already taken:

-AP Chemistry/College Chemistry

-AP Physics/College Chemistry

-AP Biology/College Biology

-AP Psychology (switch to that one, it is way more appliable for college credit than Criminalistics)

-AP Statistics/College Statistics (requirement for almost all science majors due to reading studies)

-AP Sociology/Introduction to Sociology (often goes for General Education Requirement for Humanities)

-AP Foreign language (but only if have less than two years of a language)

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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