23 days ago
Admissions Advice

my gpa is low, can I still bring it up and have a chance?

I have a 2.81 gpa. its low, I know. Im really ashamed of my gpa and how I performed in school, I'm really trying hard and asked my counselor if I had a chance to take online class courses during my semester in order to bump my gpa up but if that isn't possible I'm not quite sure on what I'm going to do. How will I be able to bump my gpa and qualify for a good school? I've always cared about school but I wasn't able to balance my personal life and my school life, I tried harder in my junior and now my senior year but I'm still struggling. Please give me advice and help me

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@kitkat1623 days ago

do everything you can to increase it, make a goal to get a 2.9 or something and work hard to get to it. Still, when it comes to college apps GPA doesn’t have to be everything. Study hard for ACT/SAT, do ECs related to your major, show colleges you aren’t a slacker. Hone in your essay writing skills and develop a passion in your major; just show admissions officers that you’re not your gpa. Also use collegevine to see what schools you’ve got a decent chance at, i hope this helps and good luck!

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
22 days ago[edited]

I'd be quite happy to be the second reply on your post, and welcome to the community!

There's nothing to be ashamed of a low GPA, we all have our ups and downs when it comes to balancing between school and our personal lives. Being how supposedly you should be in semester 1 you definitely have a good amount of time to bump your GPA before the end of the year. GPA isn't always a main factor for colleges so you can possibly join an extracurricular or club if you haven't yet. If you can also try to ask your teachers for help (if you need it) and/or extra credit opportunities. Of course the SAT/ACT is another factor- if you can try to do your best to study for those. I'm pretty sure colleges love a good essay so hone those writing skills and give colleges a reason why they should admit you- make yourself stand out from the crowd! Last but not least, use CollegeVine! I mean that's probably a no-brainer considering that you're posting here. I wish you good luck on your journey and hope you get admitted to a good school.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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