4 years ago
Admissions Advice

How are "advanced classes" weighed if not honor, AP or IB on college application or GPA.

My school considers classes advanced level and regular level(ex Advanced English, and Regular English) but I am not sure how to interpret that on my college applications for the common app and the UC application. Is it just considered regular since it isn't honors, AP, or IB?? Please let me know.

Please multiple people answer.


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago[edited]

So my school doesn’t even wiegh Honors so while that’s my school I’d lean towards the response of saying it’s unweighted or weighed less than Honors. It may be a .25 boost for example instead of Honors .5 boost. Most schools if they even use weighted GPAs they either calculate their own formula and the UCs are prime examples or they base it off your high school transcript and it will depend on your HS policy.

I will say this though on CommonApp atleast you have the option of self reporting your class transcript and you can list classes as accelerated advanced etc so it would likely provide a rigor boost not a gpa boost.

Hope this helps and please comment if you need clarification as I’d be happy to help clarify!

Edit: Spelling and Formatting

4 years ago

I believe Accelerated or Advanced classes are treated as non-weighted regular.

So if you received an A in Accelerated Chemistry or Advance Chemistry you would receive a 4.0 out 4.0

You can always use the additional information section to comment that you took say 5 advanced classes even though they were not Honors or AP one.

Hope that helps.

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