10 days ago
Admissions Advice

I messed up on the UTD optional essay and I need advice.

hey everyone I'm a high school senior who just submitted my utd application. so basically I'm applying to tamu, utd, and a few other colleges here in texas. for tamu I'm applying for engineering and for utd I'm applying for comp sci. I answered prompt 2 for the common app personal statement (the one about a struggle you went through and how you persevered from it), and in my personal statement I talked about the major I want to do. I created 2 versions of my personal statement which are basically the same but the tamu one has a paragraph about my passion for engineering and the utd one has a paragraph about my passion for comp sci. I submitted my tamu application before utd and I had the engineering version of my personal statement in the common app. however, before submitting my utd application right after, I unfortunately forgot to change my personal statement to the comp sci version. so the essay I submitted for utd is about engineering even though I applied for the comp sci major. utd is definitely one of my safeties but now I'm scared I won't get in because I messed up on my essay. do they really care about the essay even though it's optional? do you guys think I can still get in?

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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