4 years ago
Admissions Advice

I am an international student from Ghana,Africa.I would like to know if SAT scores would be sufficient to apply to Duke.

I'm in Senior High School 2,equivalent to grade 11.I attend Wesley Girls' High School(Cape coast)

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4 answers

4 years ago

Please find this link helpful with regards to applying to Duke and it's high school requirements.

Since this was made for US applicants, also take note that you will have to provide some sort of test score for your English language mastery


(From Duke Website)

Students from more than 100 countries have found a home at Duke. Innovative, restless, and driven: these are qualities not confined by geography.

There is no separate application for international students.


Testing policies are the same for all applicants; there are no additional requirements for international students.

While we do not require any English proficiency scores, we are happy to consider them for non-native English speakers who want to demonstrate their English ability beyond the materials in their applications. We accept the Duolingo English Test, the IELTS Academic (International English Language Testing System), the PTE Academic (Pearson Test of English), and the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). Since official submissions of the Duolingo English Test are free, we suggest the official submission of those results; applicants can self-report all other English proficiency test scores.

Duolingo (Minimum score expected is 120)

IELTS (minimum band score expected is 7)

PTE Academic (Minimum score expected is 70)

TOEFL. Minimum scores expected: 100 on the internet-based TOEFL. 75 on the revised TOEFL paper-delivered test.


To obtain an F-1 visa for study in the United States, a foreign citizen must furnish his or her home country’s U.S. consulate with proof of ability to meet educational expenses, along with a certificate of eligibility for a visa application (the I-20 form). I-20 forms for incoming foreign students are issued only after a student has accepted an offer of admission at Duke and returned a completed Certificate of Financial Responsibility.

Visa services and advice on federal regulations concerning non-U.S. citizens are available through Duke Visa Services.


While not required for admission, interviews provide an opportunity for the applicant to learn about Duke and for a representative of the university to learn about the applicant’s strengths. We have alumni volunteers conducting interviews in forty-two countries worldwide.

Because of the high volume of applicants we receive from China, Duke will accept admissions interviews from InitialView for students attending school in China. These interviews will serve in lieu of alumni interviews. We encourage interested students to arrange an interview with InitialView as soon as possible in order to secure an appointment. All interviews must be submitted by December 1 for Early Decision and March 1 for Regular Decision.

4 years ago

Ah... We're both from Africa and we have the same question 😂... I'm from Nigeria though. I just saw a post saying my Waec result will not be enough and I don't know if I probably need IB/AP/Honour classes as those are hardly offered in Africa... Good luck with getting into Duke... I hope to meet you there! I'm in 10 th grade ftr. What's your Sat score range?

4 years ago

Ah... We're both from Africa and we have the same question 😂... I'm from Nigeria though. I just saw a post saying my Waec result will not be enough and I don't know if I probably need IB/AP/Honour classes as those are hardly offered in Africa... Good luck with getting into Duke... I hope to meet you there! I'm in 10 th grade ftr. What's your Sat score range?

4 years ago

For Sat scores the middle 50% as in the top 25% got better and the bottom 25% were worse was in Reading and Writing 710-770 and in Math 740-800. So cumulative SAT mid 50% is 1450-1570.

Hope this helps and please comment if you need clarification as I’d be happy to help clarify!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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