4 years ago
Admissions Advice

listing PE classes on applications

Hello, I'm filling out the classes on my applications (Common App, UC, and Coalition) right now, but when it comes to listing my PE classes I'm not sure if I should list them or not. I took dance for 2 years and it fulfilled my Visual Arts requirement for A-G courses and PE for my school's requirements but I don't think physical education is actually a requirement for any universities. Should I list the classes even though they're not academic courses?

@chiccc4 years ago

Wait waieet so do I need to put band on my application?

@chiccc4 years ago

Oop nvm someone else answered LOL

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3 answers

4 years ago

Common App and Coalition App, I believe you should list PE Courses.

On the UC Application, you only list A-G classes. Dance should be listed because it was the F requirement for your A-G coursework. You will list it under the area labeled "Visual and Performing Arts". Here is a helpful link for the UC A-G requirements: https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/admission-requirements/freshman-requirements/subject-requirement-a-g.html

4 years ago

You report all grades no matter the class. Schools like the UC will not factor it into thier version of the GPA but just about all other schools accept PE in your high school GPA. PE as a class isn’t need to enroll but it will be on your transcript of classes taken and you report all classes on your transcript so Tracy is 100% wrong on that.

But yes Dance will count for visual art.

Hope this helps and please comment if you need clarification as I’d be happy to help clarify!

10 months ago

it says Please report all grades received for all academic courses you enrolled in, including courses you may have repeated at a later date. Do not list non-academic courses such as PE/sports, typing/keyboarding, driver's education, ROTC, tutoring, career planning, test preparation or teacher's assistant/aide classes.

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