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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is applying to the Schreyer Honors College worth it when Penn State is my safety?

This year I am applying to 6 colleges, with Penn State Main being my safety. I hopefully will get into one of my other top colleges, but just in case, should I put in the effort to apply for the Schreyer Honors College Penn State offers? I have to write 3 more long essays ( as well as short answer questions) to apply. Because of the competitiveness of this program, I will certainly need to dedicate a good amount of time to write them.

Another option is that I wait until I decide to attend Penn State and then apply for the program after my first semester there ( if I am understanding their website correctly). However, this would mean that I am losing my whole first year as an honors student. What should I do? Any advice is welcome - thanks!


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3 answers

4 years ago

I actually disagree with the other answer and I think you should. The point of a safety is to have a school you know you will get into. However, it's also entirely possible it's the only school you get into. If you end up going there you might regret it if you're not in the honors program just because you didn't write an essay. That's why you should probably apply if you have the time. While Penn State might allow you to apply after you matriculate, you might miss out on special housing and other programming if you don't get in until sophomore year. If you're busy applying to other schools then you should prioritize doing that. But if you have an extra hour here and there I would go for it.

2 years ago

These answers are terrible.

PSU Schreyer’s Honors College only accepts around 8% of applicants.

Also Schreyer is known as rigorous Honors college across the US.

Definitely worth it. PSU main campus and Shreyer are no where near the same thing, same acceptance rate, or even same education.

Answering for future people that stumble upon this as myself has done.

4 years ago

It depends on what type of safety PennSt is if it’s your last resort it’s not worth it but if it’s the affordable option (due to instate resident) or if it your safeties/targets all have low admits ie UVA John Hopkins Ivies etc you should take the time. Also if you may decide to go to PennSt instead of another due to cost or what ever reason it’s worth it. But if it’s just a school you wouldn’t mind attaemding and you just have it on the list just becuase Id say it isn’t worth it.

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