4 years ago
Admissions Advice

I will go to college,but is not right now because i'm in 9th grade

i will go to college in 2024 but i'm just star to chose my college.is good or not

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5 answers

4 years ago


So the first thing is to make some lists of things that interest you. For example, robotics, medicine, architecture, music composition, journalism.

Then rank that list from 1 to 10 to see what you would like to learn or be in the future.

The next thing is to learn more about people who do those things. Like if you want to an architect, read up on who in your city or country does architecture that you like. So if you think person X and person Y are cool, find out where they went to college and keep track of these things.

Then if you still are interested, google search for the best Architecture schools in America. Sometimes magazines like Architectural Record actually keep track of such things and they rank them every year.

If you have a list of the best schools for your interest, then go to the Common Data Set for each school. Then google search Cornell Common Data Set and see what kind of applicants have been admitted there, their stats, their grades etc.

Make a plan on how to keep your grades and a plan of what your goals are to meet the requirements to apply to these schools with the test scores as well.

Good Luck.

4 years ago

There's nothing wrong with looking at colleges so early but do know that between now and when you apply, your college list will probably be completely different! You might start looking for different things or become interested in different majors. Keep that in mind and keep an open mind!

4 years ago

Great job getting started so early, I know I wish I had! I would suggest creating a preliminary school list and any possible majors you might want to start exploring. Like @ShaquilleOatmeal said, narrow down your choices based on preferences, start making mental notes of the application requirements and outlining some steps to take during your time high school. You'll be in great shape by the time you apply! Best of luck!

4 years ago

It's perfectly fine to start looking for colleges in 9th grade, 11th grade, or anytime. What's great for you is that starting now will help you narrow down anywhere you might want to go and you can get a good idea of what you need to do over the next few years to get accepted somewhere you want.

4 years ago

this question is unintelligible. please come back later, you are too young to be worrying about colleges and should REALLY be focusing on learning English and such.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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