4 years ago
Admissions Advice

I'm a US Citizen schooling in another country. Do I need TOEFl?

I wrote the SAT last year December and got a 1210 with a 600 for the English section and 610 for the Math. For the essay, I was unable to finish it but I got a 4-reading 4-analysis 6-writing.

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3 answers

4 years ago

Yes, you have to take the TOEFL exam if all your education was from the country whose official language is not English.

However, if you are simply an ex-pat who temporarily moved outside of the US because of your parent's job, and you have high SAT, ACT, or SAT Subject 2 scores or high AP scores, I would ask the college you are applying to first prior to making any assumptions. 99% you should be good to go.

Good luck.

4 years ago

Is your primary language English? Are the classes you take in English? If so, you're probably not going to have to take the TOEFL. Keep in mind the average SAT score is about 1000, or a 500 on each section, so a 600 in English is not going to raise any alarm bells for colleges. In fact, I don't think your SAT score has any bearing on if you would need to take the TOEFL.

Having said that, I would still recommend that you take a look at any of the colleges you're interested in applying at to double check their TOEFL policy. The individual policies may vary from school to school and I would hate if you missed a requirement somewhere.

4 years ago

Most universities will require you to take the TOEFL, but it depends on how many years you have been living abroad, if your first language is English, etc. Some colleges will probably ask for it, but each one is different. I'd look through their websites to see their English requirements for international students.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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