4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Does it look good on a college application to have published different types of books?

I know it may seem like a silly question, but in all honesty, I'm published a book or two on Wattpad, and am considering making a Webtoons with a friend. The only reason I'm really doing it, is to add it to my college resume, and make me look good. Will colleges be impressed with having a book and comic written or published, or am I just wasting my time?

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3 answers

4 years ago

I think that it could be good if a lot of people end up reading them, but I feel like colleges don't want you to do activities just for the sake of adding them to your resume, and they can usually see through those kinds of things. If you have really low view counts or don't expect a lot of people to read the books and writing them isn't something you actually like to do, I would stop and invest time into activities that do interest you and that you are passionate about because I think colleges would want to see you excel in areas that do interest you. Publishing probably doesn't count for much in this case since it is published on Wattpad, which is public and pretty much anyone can publish whatever.

4 years ago

So as an Amatuer writer myself my advice is skip it due to watt pad being free to use/publish on there’s no barrier for entry/selectivity. Now if you are published by like Scholastic books that’s vastly different from watt pad. Most impressive ECs are “selective” meaning you need to have qualifications such as winning a tournement. While watt pad just requires an email address. Now if you do something different with writing like blogging or starting a writers club that’s different as there are higher barriers for entry.

Hope this helps and please comment if you need clarification as I’d be happy to help clarify!

3 years ago[edited]

The employer is looking for truthful and verified information. I think your posts may be a nice bonus, but these are dubious sources. I think that reviewers of your books or catalogs of your publications can fix the situation. I recently found a cool book reviewer https://freebooksummary.com/category/no-no-boy and it helps to publish good versions of books and texts by non-famous or well-known writers.

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