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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I submit both ACT and SAT scores?

I got a 35 on the ACT and slightly lower on the SAT (1530). Should I submit both or just the ACT because it is higher?


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3 answers

4 years ago

Honestly, it up to you. Your 35 will satisfy 100% of all the schools your applying to. According to the concordance table, it's the same as a 1530-1560 SAT Score. I would consider submitting both if for example, you got a really high SAT Math Score and not so high on the ACT or something was flip-flopped on the English or Reading sections. The other reason I'd consider submitting the SAT is if you took the Essay section and say got a 20-24 score because that looks good.

Otherwise, there is no reason to submit both.

Good luck with your decision and the EA/ED application.

4 years ago

Agree with Cameron but there may be a few schools where the mid 50% is heavily shifted towards the ACT or SAT but A that's rare and B your scores just don't care about that nuance so just follow camerons advice but in a vacuum, the ACT is likely better.

In regards to submitting both you shouldn't submit both as that's redundant. Its like getting a resume and then I have another resume that I also submit but they are equal so there's no point for 2 resumes. Hope this makea sense and good luck with applying.

Please comment if you'd like clarification as Id be happy to help!

4 years ago[edited]

I disagree with DebaterMax: I would definitely submit both. Both of those are amazing scores (A 1530 will put you in 99th percentile nationwide). The more standardized test scores on your transcript, the better it will look to admissions. ALL college admissions prefer the two tests equally, and typically encourage students to list both. Either way, it most certainly will not hurt your transcript.

Good luck with your admissions!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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