4 years ago
Admissions Advice

SAT subject test

I am applying to Rice this year and their website says 2 subject tests are recommended. My parents don't want me to take tests at schools due to the virus. I already took the SAT and scored over the average Rice SAT score. Will not taking subject tests negatively affect me? Should I convince my parents to let me take the subject tests in December?

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3 answers

4 years ago

I would not worry about having a second standardized test. Plenty of people get into Rice with just an SAT. In fact, Rice says that you can apply without any standardized test at all for 2020 only, but I doubt your chances would be great without something. If you're over the average SAT score, then you're doing just fine.

I actually am applying to Rice University also with just my SAT (although I do have a few AP's too). My SAT (1500) is right around the average acceptance score, which means you probably did a little better than me :)

Hope this helps- good luck with your application!

4 years ago

I think you will be fine not taking the subject tests. If you really want to and think that you will score really high then you can still try to convince your parents. Especially considering the circumstances this year I don't think not taking the tests will negatively affect your application.

4 years ago

Take the subject tests. Please. If it's not too much money for your parents, then take two or three - many students don't take them, and they end up missing out on a great opportunity to show prestigious colleges where their strengths lie. Are you a math person? Take the math subject tests. Are you a science person? Take the science subject tests. (You get my point.) The SAT can only tell colleges so much; the subject tests break it down even further, which, in the end, can really make you stand out against the sea of "well-rounded" students.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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