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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Which universities have the strongest STEM program?

Which universities have strong STEM programs and are also research oriented? Please recommend me some safety schools for STEM majors too


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

Generally speaking, the top schools for STEM Majors in the United States are most ivy league schools, MIT, UC Berkeley, CalTech, Carnegie Mellon, Rice, and Harvey Mudd just to name a few. However, if you are interested in pure sciences, top liberal arts colleges are a good option, as they have high Ph.D. placement rates. For instance, Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania and Reed College in Oregon are known for having some of the highest grad school placement rates in the country.

Safeties for STEM are most likely an in-state public university. If you have top stats, you are probably a safe bet for your in-state public unless you live in California, Virginia, Michigan, or Georgia, in which case you may want to think about applying to a public school with a higher acceptance rate. Science/Math/Engineering will be the same wherever you go, so your in-state public should prepare you well for grad school/workforce.

4 years ago

Geographically, I don’t know where you are located nor do I know your financial situation (I don’t need to know, but this important for you to consider). In my opinion, I think Case Western Reserve University is a great school for STEM majors that isn’t too elite or competitive in applications. From a view book I have, they claim that “Research is REALLY BIG here” with a research funding of $330 million (and I presume this is specifically for undergrads but I’m not too sure). Also, the school is located in Cleveland, OH and is coupled with the Cleveland Clinic (really good for health professions). Internships are great here and so is study abroad.

Furthermore, I suggest schools like Olin (engineer oriented), Elon U. (great in research and best in study abroad), and Rutgers (great for some STEM and underrated).


4 years ago

A hidden gem, that would probably be called a safety, is the University of Montana in Bozeman. They are a top research university, especially if you get into their honors program. Best of luck 👍

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