4 years ago
Admissions Advice

How I can get someone to review college essay without any karma

Hi, I would like to have someone to review my essays. I don't have any karma now. I don't mind paying some money. Do you have such service?


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4 answers

4 years ago

Unfortunately not, you have to earn 10 Karma by being helpful and getting Karma by either answering questions and earning 1 Karma at a time for each upvote or reviewing an essay yourself successfully.

You can not solicit help on Collegevine with money.

4 years ago

If you are using college vine for peer reviews, you need karma. Every time you review someone else's essay, you earn 10 karma automatically. If they rate you 5 out of 5, then you earn 10 extra karma. It's really easy and when you review others' essays, it gets you thinking about writing and you get karma points to use in order to submit your essays so it's a win win all around.

4 years ago

Instead of seeking a service that makes you pay actual cash for an essay review (and this is without knowing whether or not whoever is reviewing the essay is an expert), why don't you simply complete an essay review here on College Vine, then proceed to submit one? I think the latter option is cheaper and more feasible.

4 years ago

So while the other answers are true Cameron’s especially, Collegevine adjust the karma needed for an essay review seeping on the queue length. While I don’t do essays reviews I know for a fact it can have a karma cost of 0. So while you will need to regularly check it for the cost it can actually be done.

Also just FYI this post likely violates CC Guidelines Don’t #3 but as you seem to be a first time use this is just a friendly reminder.

Best of luck!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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