3 years ago
Admissions Advice

How to boost one of your ECs into your spike and what makes an EC’s a spike?

I am a freshman, I have been working on a web app and have gotten promoted by my district! I’m proud and very passionate about this passion project But I realize this isnt much of spike. I’d like to reach out there districts after I get results from the student in the district. I wanted to ask At what point (number of promotion from school districts) would it qualify as a spike. For example would getting almost every school district in California to promote the web app qualify as a national spike? If not how could I pursue and expand this project in order to make it a spike? I Also was having trouble fitting It into any of the Tiers for software ECs and it says tier C is being commercially used, what exactly does that mean?


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2 answers

3 years ago

Hi there! Congrats on the app - that's a great accomplishment, especially as a first-year. You may want to check out our article on spikes and how ECs are evaluated: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-find-your-college-application-spike/

As for "commercially used," that refers to the software being used in business/or generating profit. The equivalent "impressive-ness" would be having 100k downloads. An example of this would be an app that becomes commonly used in an industry, or one that is publicly available in the app store and downloaded 100k times. Hope this helps!

3 years ago

I have a friend who gets coaching through The Spike Lab. It's $$$, so I wouldn't recommend it for normal people like us. But look at the student profiles on this page to see how the coaching helped them turn their ECs into "spikes." https://thespikelab.com/students/

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