4 years ago
Admissions Advice

What EC tier would the Yale Splash Program be? Also, how can I use Poli-Sci to impact my community?

hi! im a sophomore in highschool with absolutly ZERO extraciriculars.

i participated in a couple online yale splash classes that all relate to my intendend major. im also doing 5 more classes in december. each class is about an hour long.

does this count as an extracurricular? if so, what tier would it be? and how can i use the skills i learned to make an impact? most of the classes were on political science, soiciology, and running campaigns. as a 15 year old, im not sure what i can do to help my community further.

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Accepted Answer
4 years ago

Hi there! You still have some time to develop your ECs, so don't worry too much.

Since each class is only an hour long though, I don't think this would really count as an extracurricular. You could add them in the Additional Information section, or count them as a single extracurricular, but it wouldn't likely have a big impact on your application.

You can certainly take what you learned and turn it into an extracurricular though. You could help with the campaign of a local political candidate, start a club with a cause you care about, join Student Council or JSA, and many others. This article may help: https://blog.collegevine.com/extracurriculars-for-high-schoolers-interested-in-studying-political-science/

Best of luck!

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