4 years ago
Admissions Advice

A plagiarism

I'm really anxious about my essay that I've submitted for peer essay review. I'm afraid if someone plagiarized my essay. Is there any policy about that?

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago[edited]

Hi there!

College essays are meant to be a personal narrative, so the risk of someone stealing work is definitely lower than your typical persuasive or argumentative essays from school assignments. Despite this, we know some students will plagiarize and pass off someone else's stories and ideas as their own. Here's what we have in our system to prevent plagiarism:

(1) We assign a unique fingerprint to all submitted essays. We use this to verify the original author and track down potential bad actors.

(2) We remove all access to the essay once a review is complete. Only the submitter will continue to have access.

(3) We have an automated system in place to permanently ban any bad actors from using the essay review if we catch any suspicious or flagged activities.

Even with these measures in place, we know that cheaters will find ways to cheat. And we know this has big consequences in admissions for both the original author and the student who plagiarized another's work. If we suspect plagiarism, we have measures in place to work with the students and universities to ensure we can protect our students and their hard work. We track each essay view so that we can investigate, should any issues arise.

We hope this helps, and let us know if you have more questions!

4 years ago

So the main things to know about the essay review is only the person can see it and even then it’s only for the review period (so Max of 1hr after accepting the essay) and you can’t see it (just the topic) when you accept so the chances of someone stealing it is astronomically low. Also your essay wouldn’t be applicable to them as if the essay talks about your band struggles band should be an extracurricular on your application et cetera so it’s hard to make stuff up on that. Also if your essay is so broad it applies to a lot of people that means the essay isn’t that great.

Hope this helps and feel free to comment if you’s like clarification as I’d be more than happy to help!

4 years ago

I totally understand the worry. I saw that my essay was accepted several times before it was finally reviewed. That means there were four chances to copy and paste it instead of one. And it was my only essay about a general topic. Basically it's was a "Why major?" type essay that could apply to anyone who is also undecided about their major. So, I understand the worry. But, to me, it's a risk that's worth it. I got awesome advice when a person who accepted it actually reviewed it.

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